Happy New Year -- Reliable Machinery

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Dear Reliable Customers & Friends,

Please accept our deepest gratitude for your attention & support to us during the whole year of 2022.

It was quite honored to have you around which brought us inspiration and motivation. Please also convey my thanks to your family and all your staff.

We always believe tough times don’t last, but tough people do. We appreciate the help and caring you have offered during tough days when we are constantly upgrading technology and service quality.

We finally got the Good News! China boarder will be opened again, effective from Jan 8 2023. You can come to China without quarantine period, also we can also go abroad to visit you and participate in exhibitions.

In new year of 2023, Reliable Machinery products and services will continue to upgrade to better satisfy our customers. If you are also interested in creating wealth and new values together with us, please contact us to discuss the details of cooperation. 

Thanks again and wish you and your family have a good New Year Holiday.

Yours sincerely,

CEO of Reliable Machinery

Lisa Lee


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